Retail and Hospitality

Landscaping isn’t just crucial for residential properties, but high traffic commercial ones as well. Adding landscape features to any retail or service building helps create a unique statement that can entice customers to linger. Many customers tend to judge a business by what they see on the premises – from the architecture of the building to the gardens. By making the place tidy and beautiful, you’re sending a strong message of professionalism and trust that can help win customers over. Landscaping a retail site also improves the customer’s experiences and, even with busy schedules, people tend to remember the unique experiences and things they like long after they have departed.

Retail landscaping
When it comes to retail premises, giving customers a beautifully designed outdoor area is essential. Along with lighting features, pathways and decking – beautiful gardens with water wise native plants can make your shopfront or shopping centre stand out as an upmarket, exciting and great place to shop. Bright plants tend to be very attractive in retail landscaping setups, especially when added to features like patios and awning areas that are heavy traffic areas for customers. Creating easy paths, flanked by well kept foliage also helps make guests feel safer and the building easy to navigate. The Australian daisy and banksia are some of the plants that can bring a mixture of different coloured flowers that enhance the retail premises.

Hospitality Landscaping

Potential guests and customers have likely done their research to find you online well before they arrive at your premises. This means that your clients and customers already have an idea about your hospitality set up through online search before they show up physically. Given the way the hospitality industry is marketed, it’s essential to match the physical setting with what’s online, and what’s online should be a lush, vibrant and high quality landscaping to set yourself apart from nearby competition.

Hotels and restaurants are ideally there to offer recreation time for your customers. Relaxation and stress free service is a must, but a tranquil, well designed garden and outdoor area can lend so much to the total experience that it’s essential. Maintaining the driveways, planting on pathways, and designing an area of plants and flowers in the restaurant, foyer and welcoming area can transform your premises. Whether the business is a hotel, restaurant, or resort, making it look inviting with healthy, lush plants and lawns, means customers can feel comfortable enough to call it their second home.

Working with a professional landscaping company can help achieve all this so get in touch with us today to elevate your retail or hospitality landscaping to the next level.

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